Ecosystem Growth Proposal: Greenfield <> 4Everland

Intro to 4EVERLAND

4EVERLAND is a Web3 cloud computing platform that facilitates the swift integration and utilization of decentralized storage, gateways, and Web3 protocols for developers and projects.

Motivations/Why we should be included

BNB Greenfield, a decentralized data storage system and economy.
4EVERLAND is integrating with Greenfield’s testnet to provide developers with the following services:

Greenfield Hosting:

A simple and fast service to host or build frontend on Greenfield through Github, 4EVER CLI, or 4EVER frontend templates.

Greenfield Bucket:

An enterprise-level, S3-compatible file storage and management platform based on Greenfield.
Of course, for personal users, It’s your “Greenfield Drive”.

Storage Bridge:

4EVERLAND has already integrated with IPFS and Arweave, and with the integration, users can seamlessly synchronize, manage data from other storage protocols to Greenfield.

Storage nodes:

4EVERLAND team has been deeply involved in the storage field for several years and has abundant experience in service stability and technology related to storage.

We are implementing integration on the storage node side and competently becoming a Greenfield test network storage node.

Innovations on Greenfield

After the basic integration,We do have some innovative ideas want to implement on Greenfield

  • IPFS (Arweave) + Greenfield = Immutable(permanent) Greenfield/Comprehensive data management/Well-known projects greenfield compatible
  • Decentralized domain + Greenfield = Powerful Web3 identity content solution
  • Public gateway system + Greenfield = Permissonless access on Greenfield
  • Database + Greenfield = Trustworthy database
  • 4EVER consensus mechanism + Greenfield…

There are too many innovations waiting for us to explore


4EVERLAND has over 60,000 registered users and provides reliable decentralized storage and gateway services for over 40,000 DApps includes Snapshot, RSS3, Lenster, Lensutbe, Syncswap these outstanding projects.
With the integration of Greenfield, we shall directly bestow upon all of our clients novel decentralized front-end and storage solutions, while reducing the barrier to entry for Greenfield and extending comprehensive simplification for tens of thousands of BNB chain developers.


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Very interesting use cases. Will it be possible for you to post a tutorial on how one can migrate their content from cloud storage or another decentralised storage to Greenfield?