Welcome to the BNB Developer Forum

Welcome to The BNB Developer Forum

The BNB Chain Developer Forum is a technical forum for any developer to join, create topics, and discuss primarily research and ideas for projects that will be built on the BNBChain ecosystem, including BEPs (BNB Chain Evolution Proposal), BNB Smart Chain, opBNB. Greenfield, critical infrastructures, SDK and toolings and applications. The purpose of this forum is to improve the developer experiences.

What to do in the forum?

  • Read and discuss BNB Chain new ideas
  • Propose new ideas and ask for feedbacks

Is it your first time entering the BNB forum?

If so, please refer to our Code of Conduct for new members where the terms we use in this forum are explained and answers to questions related to this forum are provided.

Welcome, feel free to share your ideas and initiate a brainstorm.

Official links of BNB ecosystem (website, Twitter, discourse)