Is there any way to switch an already synchronized op-node to a full bsc node that doesn’t already have a 30760322 block? When trying to switch it I get an error that this block is not found
Don’t believe that is possible.
For BSC node please see repo here: GitHub - bnb-chain/bsc: A BNB Smart Chain client based on the go-ethereum fork
And full documentation is also available here: How to Run A Fullnode on BNB Smart Chain | BNB Chain Documentation
How exactly can a link to the documentation on bsc node help? The question here is more about opbnb software, but based on the documentation it is not clear whether it is possible to use a full bsc node rather than an archive node as an l1 node for opbnb, and if so, in what way
Apologies I misread your question.
Your BSC node used for op-node needs to be synced to block 30760322 because the block number of the first batch transaction is 30760322. And only when the result.current_l1.number
passes 30760322, the L2 block number will be increased.
Yes, I have seen all this, I have a fully synchronized “Full node” bsc. In case of Full node it stores the last 128 blocks and headers for the other blocks. Archive node stores the entire blockchain. For op-node synchronization It needs more blocks, so I synchronized op-node on archive bsc node, and then I want to switch to my full bsc node. I thought that if the opbnb is fully synchronized, it won’t need that historicity anymore. But when I switched my already synced opbnb to full bsc node, I got error that no 30760322 block was found. I’ve read all docs, but I didn’t find a clear answer to my question there. I am interested in real practical experience