Ho to transfer bnb from opbnb testnet to greenfield testnet?

i write a contract wanting to send some bnb from opbnb to greenfiled testnet.

Here is my code:

    function topUpBNB(uint256 transferOutAmount) external payable {
        (uint256 relayFee, uint256 ackRelayFee) = ICrossChain(cross_chain).getRelayFees();
        require(msg.value == transferOutAmount + relayFee + ackRelayFee, "msg.value not enough");

    function _topUpBNB(uint256 transferOutAmount,uint256 relayFee, uint256 ackRelayFee) internal {
        bool result = ITokenHub(tokenHub).transferOut{ value: transferOutAmount + relayFee + ackRelayFee }(
        require(result,"fail to transfer token");

The tokenHub I set is 0x59614C9e9B5Df6dF4dc9e457cc7F3a67D796d3b2.

And I got the error execution reverted: the contract and channel have not been registered

What wrong with it?

I sent bnb from bsc testnet to greenfield successfully before.

no, it’s not supported. pls try transferring from bsc testnet