Building the Perfect DAPP + Smart contract to interact for a New project

Hey, Recently there has been an influx of User use case solutions to reward and incentives use to join the Deo and purchase devices E.g. step trackers, Iot Gateways, Air Quality sensors, Road Mapping, Electric Meters, and Weather Machines I have even seen Property investment projects involved with crypto.

Rewarding the user with a token that will have value allows you the user to an everyday use case device they know they are receiving payment for something they would have never thought about being rewarded for.

Imagine you getting rewarded for walking your a postman you’re getting paid on the job and paid extra for walking well itis possible? the project exists like this! Guess what this is only made possible because of the crypto ecosystem that has been created today by the people and for the people.

Many projects have popped up in many ecosystems creating large communities.

Creating a project to incentivize your community to invest and trust in your project is becoming more and more easier due to the number of projects that have been released to the public.

I have now been able to create a new Ideal around the existing models that have shown can become very successful.

Looking to start my Bsc first Project that would require a highly skilled Dev that has a vast knowledge of Smart Contract and Dapp Applications. Where is such a Person With these Skills?

Can we now create a similar and better project for the Bsc Blockchain to build a stronger ecosystem and make Bsc number 1?

I would like to Hear your thought and comments

Thanks for your time and for allowing me to share My Ideal :bulb: and Meet Like-Minded People worldwide :earth_americas: